Oikawa Seisakusho Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") considers the proper protection and management of information assets handled by the Company as an important management task and formulates and implements the "information security policy".

1. Protection of information assets

In order to reliably protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information assets, we will take systematic and technically appropriate measures.

2. Compliance with laws and regulations

We will comply with laws and regulations concerning information security.

3. Implementation of education / training

We will conduct necessary education and training so that management and employees can fully recognize the importance of information assets.

4. Continuous improvement

We periodically review and review the "Information Security Policy" and related rules and management system to ensure continuous improvement of information security.

Ogawa Minoru Representative Director and President, Separate River Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

60/112 Moo 19 Navanakorn Industrial Estate Zone 3 Phaholyothin Rd.,Klongneng Klop Klonglang Pathumthyai 12120

Tel : 02-529-2445 Fax : 02-529-2446